Lorna Jackson - Hypnotherapist


Clinical Hypnotherapy Helps With Phobic Aversion to Eating Vegetable and Fruit

I recently saw a client in my Brisbane clinic who wanted to be able to enjoy eating fruit and vegetables. This young woman was in her early twenties and struggled daily to eat any type of vegetables or fruit. This phobia caused her to feel very self conscious when dinning out at social functions. Her health was also beginning to suffer from a lack of proper nutrition in her diet, and she was losing weight.

During the pre talk I discovered that she had been traumatised by her father from her early childhood. He was extremely health conscious and controlling and had tried unsuccessfully to force her to eat vegetables many times. She had developed a phobic reaction to them and was unable to eat them at all because they caused her to gag. She had also lost confidence in herself, experiencing extreme low self esteem, and bouts of anxiety and depression. 

During the first session, using the skills I have developed over the years as a regression therapist I was totally able  change this phobia that was controlling her life. She realised while in hypnosis that at a very young age she was scared of her father and fearful of getting into trouble. Because of this fear she decided not to make any decisions at all, in her child’s mind it didn’t matter what she did, she got into trouble anyway. So she decided to sit on the fence, which actually meant this child part decided never to eat vegetables or fruit. We continued negotiating with this child part and once her subconscious mind fully understood the reasons behind the avoidance the shift was immediate. I then asked the child part if she wanted to eat the vegetables and she smiled as she said yes, she was ready to try them now.

After I brought her out of hypnosis I asked her how she felt about vegetables and fruit, she replied that she was looking forward to going home to try some. She was curious as to how they would taste.

When she returned for her second session a week later, she seemed like a totally different person, her face lit up with a big smile as she told me she went home after the first session and ate some pumpkin and carrots with her dinner and since then she has been trying different foods and really enjoying them.

After only one session this client had experienced such a profound change, and when she finished the four session program she felt confident that she was well on her way to better health. Her self confidence had also increased, the anxiety and depression had subsided. She was socialising more and planning a trip overseas, which was something she had been fearful of doing in the past.

In childhood, when we return to a coping skill over and over again the brain grows according to the stimulation it has received. This clients coping skill was avoidance behaviour, so that she wouldn’t get into trouble from her father. The combination of axon and dendrite growth and trained synaptic firings creates a physiological Resource State, a personality part with the intellectual and emotional traits that were used during its forming. Most pathologies can be healed by regressing to discover the cause. When this client ate food she reverted to her child resource state that had decided not to make a decision about vegetables one way or another for fear of getting into trouble and this lead to the habit of avoiding vegetables and fruit.

Disclaimer: (Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person).